Saturday, July 12, 2008

House Progress

Here is the big digger scooping out the basement for our new home at 2370 Ridge Road. 

This is Ty lying in his soon to be basement bedroom. 

This is a picture after the excavation showing the basement wall borders.

July 1, 2008 - They are pouring the basement floor. 

This is the HUGE cement boom. 

This is the end of boom where the cement pours out.

These are all the rebars of the basement floor.

Micah and Ty standing by all the floor joists and trusses.

Del looking at the completed basement floor.  Golf course in the background.

Doug the Builder (to the tune of Bob the Builder) - courtesy of Amy

This is the pumping truck.

July 9, 2008 - Basement walls are poured today.

This is a picture of the molds for the basement walls.

July 11, 2008 - The framing is going up. This is looking at the walk out basement.

The floor going in for the main level.

Micah standing in his closet.

Inside the lower level.


Lianne said...

Yay for pictures! How exciting! The golf course is going to look so awesome out the backyard. I'm so excited to see more - keep it coming. :)

Ty said...

hey guys, i took alot of these. i should be the photographer, huh?

oh yeah and can you help me be one of the contributors? i want to write some stuff.

Ty said...

hey're cool...

Jenna said...

Ooh, fun!! Good job taking pictures, Ty, but my favorites are the ones of you and Micah :)

You guys will have a nice view of the golf course, and of the storms rolling in!

Ty said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ty said...

im really bad at adding the comment stuff, i keep deleting it by accident, but what i was going to say was i took more pictures. and micah should really stop making fun of me on blogs. especially when he uses my name. hey're cool...